Tutorial - Creating a simple ETL task

This tutorial shows how to construct a typical ETL task. A fully functional example can be found in the main repo of SqlTask: https://github.com/villebro/sqltask/tree/master/example


When creating a task, you will start by extending the sqltask.SqlTask class. A task constitutes the the sequential execution of the following stages defined as methods:

  1. __init__(**kwargs): define the target table(s), row source(s) and lookup source(s). kwargs denote the batch parameters based on which a single snapshot is run, e.g. report_date=date(2019, 12, 31).

  2. transform(): All transformation operations, i.e. reading inputs row-by-row and mapping values (transformed or not) to the output columns. During transformation data can be read from multiple sources, and can be mapped to multiple output tables, depending on what the transformation logic is. During transformation row-by-row data quality issues can be logged to the output table if using the DqTableContext target table class.

  3. validate(): Post transformation data validation step, where the final output rows can be validated prior to insertion. In contrast to the data quality logging in the transform phase, validation should be done on an aggregate level, i.e. checking that row counts are in line with what is acceptable, null counts are acceptable etc.

  4. delete_rows(): If an exception hasn’t been raised before this step, the rows corresponding to the batch parameters will be deleted from the target table. If the task is defined to have one batch parameter report_date, this step in practice issues a DELETE FROM tbl WHERE report_date = ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ statement.

  5. insert_rows(): This step inserts any rows that have been appended to the output tables using whichever insertion mode has been specified. Generic SqlAlchemy drivers will fall back to single or multirow inserts if supported, but engines with dedicated upload support will perform file-based uploading.

Base task

For DAGs consisting of multiple tasks, it is commonly a good idea to create a base task on which all tasks in the DAG are based, fixing the batch parameters in the constructor as follows:

from datetime import date

from sqltask import SqlTask

class MyBaseTask(SqlTask):
    def __init__(report_date: date):
       super().__init__(report_date: report_date)

This way developers will have less ambiguity on which parameters the DAG tasks are based on. For a regular batch task this is usully the date of the snapshot in question. It is also perfectly fine to have no parameters or multiple parameters. Typical scenarios:

  • No parameters: Initialization of static dimension tables

  • Single parameter: Calculation of a single snapshot, typically the snapshot date

  • Multiple parameters: If data is further partitioned, it might be feasible to split up the calculation into further batches, e.g. per region, per hour.

In this example, the the unit of work for the task constitutes creating a single snapshot for a certain report_date.

Creating an actual task

In the following example, we will construct a task that outputs data into a single target table, reads data from a SQL query and uses a CSV table as a lookup table. The class is based on MyBaseTask defined above. We will do the following

  • Define a target table my_table based on DqTableContext into which data is inserted.

  • Define a SqlRowSource instance that reads data from a SQL query.

  • Define a CsvLookupSource instance that is used as a lookup table.

We have chosed DqTableContext as our target table class, as it can be used for logging data quality issues. If we have our primary row data in CSV format, we could also have used a CsvRowSource instance as the primary data source. Similarly we could also use SqlLookupSource to construct our lookup table from a SQL query.

class MyTask(MyBaseTask):
    def __init__(self, report_date: date):

        # Define the metadata for the main fact table
                Column("report_date", Date, comment="Date of snapshot", primary_key=True),
                Column("etl_timestamp", DateTime, comment="Timestamp when the row was created", nullable=False),
                Column("customer_name", String(10), comment="Unique customer identifier (name)", primary_key=True),
                Column("birthdate", Date, comment="Birthdate of customer if defined and in the past", nullable=True),
                Column("age", Integer, comment="Age of customer in years if birthdate defined", nullable=True),
                Column("blood_group", String(3), comment="Blood group of the customer", nullable=True),
            comment="The customer table",
            batch_params={"report_date": report_date},